บทสนทนา นักเรียน กับ ครู ภาษาอังกฤษ

บทสนทนา นักเรียน กับ ครู ภาษาอังกฤษ

�ԡ����Ǻ�������¤��Ф��� ���������§ Video ���º��������

����¤��������� 8 �������ѧ�����

Greetings and farewells.

��÷ѡ��� ��С�ú͡��

Good morning - ��س���ʴ��

Morning - ���ʴյ͹���

Hello - ��Ѵ��

Hi guys! - 䧾ǡ

How do you do? - ��䧺�ҧ

Goodbye - �ҡ�͹

Bye - ���

Have a nice day - ⪤�չ�

Enjoy your day - �����ʹء���ѹ���

See you tomorrow - �͡ѹ���觹���

Take care - ���ŵ���ͧ����

Spontaneous reactions


Thank you - �ͺ�س

You're welcome - ���¤����Թ��

Bless you! - �����Ҥ�����ͧ�س
(�繤���¾÷��ٴ����ͺؤ��������ҡ�è�� �������¡�͹���͡ѹ���
��з�褹��Ҩ������ԭ�ҳ����ö�͡�ҡ��ҧ�� ������Ҩ���ä��������)

Congratulations - ���ʴ������Թ�մ��¹�

Sorry ( apologize ) - ����

Sorry? ( say it again ) - ���ù�

Getting their attention


Listen... - �ѧ��

Look… - ����

Pay attention… - ����˹�����

Excuse me... - �ɷչ�

Watch out! - ���ѧ!

I have a question for you - �ѹ�դӶ���ж���س

What's up?  - ������

Telling them to do sth.


Take out your notebook - �����ش�͡��

Take out your pen - ��һҡ���͡��

Write down the following sentence - ��¹����¤���仹��ŧ�

Repeat after me… - �ٴ����ѹ

Can you repeat, please? - �ٴ�����

Please, open your notebook. - ��س��Դ��ش

Check your answers… - ��Ǩ�ӵͺ�ͧ�س

Work in groups. - �ӧҹ�繡����

Work in pairs - �ӧҹ�繤��

Get together in groups of four - �ӧҹ�����ѹ�繡���� 4 ��

Go to the board - 价���дҹ

Raise your hand to answer. - ¡������͵ͺ

Read aloud - ��ҹ�ѧ�

Stand up - �׹���

Sit down - ���ŧ

Speak louder, please - �ٴ�ѧ�������

Speak more slowly - �ٴ����

Shut up! - ��º! (�غ�ҡ) ***������Ҿ�Ф�

Stop interrupting - ��ش���ǹ������

Don ́t interrupt - ����ú�ǹ

Memorize - ��

Can you spell it? - �س�С�������

How do you spell it? - �س�С��ӹ�����ҧ��

Encouraging expressions

���ʹѺʹع �����ѧ�

Right! - �١��ͧ

You're right - �س�ͺ�١!

Well done!  - ������ҡ

Very well! - ���ҡ

Good - ��

Good job 

Great job 



That's fine 


Go on - �ӵ���

Let's continue 

Go ahead 

Organizing contents, time and places.

��èѴ��������� ���� ���ʶҹ���

Let's start our class. - ��������¹�ѹ���

Today, we are going to... - �ѹ�����Ҩ�....

First....  - �ѹ�Ѻ�á

and then - �ҡ���....

next … - �����...

From the beginning of the page… - �ҡ�͹���˹��....

We are going to review the homework - ��Ҩз��ǹ��ú�ҹ�ѹ

Any questions so far? - �դӶ����������

Volunteers, please! - ��������Ѥ�˹���

I'm going to check if you're all in the classroom. - �ѹ���礴���Ҿǡ��ҷ�����������������

Who is not here? - �������������

What date is it today? - �ѹ����ѹ����������

What's the date today? 

Showing sympathy


Make it simpler - ������ѹ���¢��������

Make it easier. 

Try again - �ͧ�ա���駹�

Once more 

Once again 

Say it again.. - �ٴ�ա���駫�

Don't get it, can you repeat, please? - �ѹ������� �ٴ�ա����������

What do you mean with…..? - �س���¤���������ҧ������ǡѺ....

It ́s the other way round - �ç�ѹ����

Use your brains - ����ͧ��/�Դ��

Relax! - ʺ����

Checking their understanding


Do you understand me? - ���㨩ѹ����

Is it clear? -  �Ѵਹ����

What does ( word ) mean? - �ӹ�����������

What's the meaning of... ? - �������¢ͧ�����....�������

Is this right? - ���١��ͧ����

Is this ok? - �������

How do you say.... in English? - �س���¡...�������ѧ����������

Tell me the difference between A and B - �͡����ᵡ��ҧ�����ҧ …A ��� B

Are you ready? - ���������

Finish? - �����������

Any questions so far? - �դӶ����������

Who knows the answer? - �����ӵͺ��ҧ

What else? - �������ա���� 







บทสนทนา นักเรียน กับ ครู ภาษาอังกฤษ