จุดมุ่งหมายในการทํางาน เขียนยังไง

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานเลขานุการ

  • To obtain the Secretary position with my progressive administrative and organisation skills. Abilities to communicate effectively with interpersonal skills and relationship building. Dedicated to duties and the organisation with high responsibility and commitment.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ฝึกงานด้านกฎหมาย

  • Seeking an opportunity to apply my educational background in Law to an Intern position to create quality outcomes to the organization and to the society.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ งานด้านกราฟิก/graphic design

  • To obtain the ______ position with broad perspective and skills in creativity to generate great outcomes to enhance the organization. Fast learner with ability to complete works within the time frame.
  • To contribute extensive experience in art and design to the Graphic Designer position. Ability to create creative quality outcomes in outstanding style with conceptual understanding. Committed to learn and improve results towards goals.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งผู้แนะนำการลงทุน Investment Planner (IP)

  • To contribute my financial knowledge to the Investment Planner position with my abilities as in the Investment Consultant Certificate and customer service with sales skills to enhance the profitable growth of the organization.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Traffic and Transportation Engineer

  • Seeking the Traffic and Transportation Engineer position to utilize traffic and transportation knowledge with GIS program skills to enhance the business growth of the company. Enthusiastic to learn new things for self-improvement. Open-minded with excellent teamwork skills. Enjoy working under pressure with time management abilities.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Sales Engineer

  • A goal oriented recent graduate. Seeking an opportunity to contribute my competencies and progressive experience to a challenging Sales Engineer position. Aiming to create outstanding outcomes with lifelong learning abilities to achieve ultimate goals of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Process Engineer

  • To contribute broad knowledge in the field of engineering to the Process Engineer position at your company. Able to provide quality support to the team with safety standards and effective communication. Hard-working and willing to learn new skills.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งฝึกงานด้านวิศวกรรมอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ Electronic Engineer

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my Electrical Engineering knowledge and technical skills to an Intern position to create outstanding outcomes with high commitment to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Operator

  • To obtain an Operator position with my excellent communication skills and customer service experience to provide assistance to clients. Solving problem abilities and willingness to learn new things.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ฝึกงานโรงแรม 5 ดาว

  • To demonstrate my customer service skills to the Internship role at the established 5-star hotel. Fast learner with enthusiasm to learn new things. Excellent interpersonal communication abilities and able to work in a team environment.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งฝึกงาน Front Office

  • Seeking an opportunity to fill an internship role of the Front Office position with excellent interpersonal communication skills and service mind. Committed to contribute my educational background and customer service capabilities to enhance the organization.
  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my competencies in Hotel Studies to an Internship position in the front office department. Fluent Chinese communication with service mind and ability to manage administrative tasks effectively towards goals of the organization.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งฝึกงาน/พนักงานต้อนรับ/Receptionist

  • To apply my educational background and effective interpersonal communication abilities to an Intern position as a Receptionist to create outstanding services to all guests.
  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my interpersonal communication to the Receptionist position to provide excellent and impressive customer service to all guests. Knowledgeable in IT support with willingness to learn new skills.
  • To contribute my interpersonal skill with service mind to a Receptionist position to provide superior services with politeness to all clients. Positive attitude and willing to learn new things

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานเสิร์ฟ Waiter/Waitress/Service Attendant

  • To contribute my superior customer oriented abilities with service mind to the Waitress position. Abilities to provide assistance, service and comfort to customers with positive attitude toward their most satisfaction.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ งานแผนกครัว Kitchen Department

  • To obtain a position in the Kitchen Department with my progressive capabilities to effectively support the organization towards the great achievement. Willing to learn new things with enthusiasm and positive attitude.
  • Highly responsible fresh graduate. Seeking an opportunity to contribute an internship experience and extensive knowledge in Culinary to perform excellent work to the organization. Energetic to provide great service and assistance to achieve goals.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ งานบาริสต้า/Barista

  • To obtain the Barista position which my 4 years Barista experience and customer service abilities with interpersonal communication skills can transfer to the great achievement of the company. A good team player with positive attitude. Able to work in a fast-paced environment
  • To contribute my practical experience and educational background to the Barista position. Service minded and able to learn new things with adaptability to create great work and services to customers.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ งานบาร์เทนเดอร์/Bartender

  • To obtain the Bartender position with my extensive experience at a bar and abilities to provide excellent services to customers. Able to adapt my creative skills to perform great work at the ______ hotel.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง content review analyst

  • To obtain the Content Review Analyst position with my extensive abilities in information usage. Committed to the duties with high responsibility toward the great achievement of the company. Enthusiastic and detail oriented. Ability to work in a fast-paced and teamwork environment.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งฝึกงานด้าน Safety

  • Seeking an opportunity to obtain an Intern position with my knowledge in the field of Safety to ensure the safety standard towards goals of the company. Committed to duties with high responsibility and hard work.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Safety Officer

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my knowledge and competencies to a Safety Officer position to ensure the standard safe work environment of the organization. Attention to detail with problem solving abilities and high responsibility.
  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my internship experience with an educational background to the Safety Officer position. Fast learner and able to ensure the regulations and standards with high commitment to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งนักคณิตศาสตร์(ประกันภัย)/Actuary

  • To contribute my strong skills and knowledge in mathematics, statistics and financial theories to the Actuary position in the field of insurance toward the growth and sustainability of the company.
  • To contribute my analytical and mathematical calculation skills to the Actuary position toward the growth and sustainability of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งฝึกงาน Audit

  • Seeking to contribute my accuracy and multitasking skills to fill an Internship role at your company. Detail oriented with positive attitude and high responsibility.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Auditor

  • Seeking to contribute my accounting knowledge with accuracy and multitasking skills to an Auditor position. Abilities to complete tasks within the time frame. Detail oriented with positive attitude and high responsibility.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Audit Assistant

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my strong knowledge of finance and accounting to enhance the organization to the great achievement. Effective analytical skills as well as ability to assist in accounting system accurately.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งนักวิเคราะห์ระบบ/System Analyst

  • Effective communicator. Seeking an opportunity to contribute my analytical skills to the System Analyst position to generate the progressive growth to the company. Outstanding management abilities with excellent coordination skills.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งพนักงานต้อนรับในโรงแรม/พนักงานเสิร์ฟ

  • Excellent communicator. Seeking an opportunity to contribute my customer service with multitasking abilities to the ______ position to enhance the company toward the achievement. Positive attitude and able to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งฝึกงาน สายการท่องเที่ยว

  • To demonstrate my interpersonal abilities to an Intern position in the Tourism industry with knowledge and skills in hospitality and customer service to the company. Committed with high responsibility and willing to learn new things.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งฝึกงาน ด้านสุขาภิบาล/สิ่งแวดล้อม

  • To implement my competencies and knowledge to an Intern position in the field of Environmental Health and to accumulate practical experience to enhance the society in the future. Willing to learn new skills with enthusiasm and high responsibility.

 ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งนักวิชาการสาธารณสุข/Health Educator

  • To contribute my Public Health knowledge to the Health Educator position with abilities to conduct and analyze researches to prevent disease and to create the better society in the future.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งนักวิจัยและพัฒนาด้านการเกษตร

  • To contribute my in-depth knowledge and capabilities to the ______ position with analytical skills for the development of the organization and the agriculture sector.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งผู้ช่วยวิจัย Research Assistant

  • Well-organized fresh graduate. Seeking an opportunity to contribute an educational background with problem solving and detail-oriented abilities to the Research Assistant position. Committed to provide quality support with discipline to create excellent outcomes to the organization.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้านวิจัยและการทดลอง

  • Detail-oriented fresh graduate. Seeking to contribute profound knowledge and understanding of scientific principles to the ______ position. Strong research skills with laboratory testing experience. Committed to learn and improve work performance along with the organization.
  • To contribute my laboratory skills and practical experience with profound knowledge and understanding of scientific principles to create great results to the organization. Proficient in the use of laboratory tools. Highly responsible and able to perform in collaboration with others.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ด้านสัตวศาสตร์

  • To obtain the Animal Husbandman position with dedication and high responsibility to provide excellent care to animals. Knowledgeable in animal care procedures and safety precautions.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งผู้ช่วยสัตวแพทย์/Veterinary Assistant

  • Effective problem solver. Seeking an opportunity to contribute an educational background with interpersonal abilities to the ______ position. Dedicated and friendly. Able to perform multiple tasks to support and create excellent outcomes to the organization.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้านกงสุล

  • To contribute interpersonal communication skills with service mind to the ______ position and to accumulate knowledge with valuable experience (in China) to assist and support (Thai) people in the society.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ฝึกงานด้าน Medical Record System

  • Seeking an Internship position in the area of Medical Record System to apply my educational background and extensive abilities to the medical line and to learn practical experience for self-improvement.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้านสินเชื่อ

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my financial knowledge and outstanding interpersonal communication skills to the ______ position. Committed with service orientation and high responsibility to enhance the organization to the great achievement.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Ground Staff/Air Ground

  • To contribute my outstanding communication abilities to the Ground Staff position toward the rapid growth of the company. Enthusiastic and efficient problem solver. Customer oriented with excellent interpersonal skills. Willing to work on shifts.
  • To obtain the Ground Staff position with my diplomatic interpersonal communication abilities to the major advancement of the organization. Committed to provide professional customer service with high responsibility. Excellent problem solving skills with ability to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Guest Service Assistant

  • To apply my extensive abilities and customer service competencies to the Guest Service Assistant position at ABC company. Aim to generate best service experience to all guests with high responsibility and service mind.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Reservation

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my effective communication and service mind with hard-working attitude to the Reservation Officer position. Able to work under pressure to create exceptional results to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งลูกเรือ

  • To obtain the ______ position which my customer service abilities and interpersonal communication skills can transfer to the great achievement of the company. A good team player with positive attitude. Able to work in a fast-paced environment.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานครูสอนว่ายน้ำ

  • To obtain the Swim Coach position in which my progressive experience and swimming technique knowledge can contribute to teach and help swimmers to develop their performance. Committed with passion and high responsibility. Safety conscious is the top priority.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งผู้ช่วยครูชาวต่างชาติ

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my extensive knowledge and capabilities to the ______ position to support and assist the teaching process effectively. Excellent teamwork skills and enthusiastic to learn new things for self improvement.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Junior Marketing Executive

  • A results driven fresh graduate with business acumen. Seeking a Junior Marketing Executive position to contribute my online marketing management and a sense of teamwork with excellent interpersonal relationship to the company. Willingness to learn and take initiative.
  • To apply my online marketing management to the Junior Marketing Executive position with a sense of teamwork with excellent interpersonal relationship to the company. Committed to the profession with business acumen and willingness to learn new trend.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้าน Business Analysis

  • To contribute my comprehensive knowledge in business analysis and outstanding analytical ability to the ______ position to enhance the continued growth of the company. Self-confident, excellent team player and able to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน ERP Business Consultant

  • A competent recent graduate with strong knowledge of ERP systems. Seeking the ERP Business Consultant position to contribute my expertise and outstanding analytical ability to the company. Self-confident, excellent team player and able to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Administrator

  • To apply my management efficiency to the Administrator position with an extensive experience in various administrative tasks and outstanding critical thinking abilities to the company. Well-organized, excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ นศ.ฝึกงานตำแหน่งเชฟ/Chef

  • Seeking to apply my abilities to fill the internship role in the field of culinary. Committed to contribute my knowledge and good sense of taste while learning attentively and progressively toward a professional chef.
  • To contribute my knowledge and good sense of taste to the internship role with competent abilities in the field of culinary while learning attentively and progressively toward a professional chef.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งเชฟ/Chef

  • To obtain a Chef position with my culinary and organizational skills. Aiming to utilize my experience to the food preparation and create exquisite meals toward excellent services.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งผู้ช่วยเชฟ/kitchen staff/helper

  • To obtain the Kitchen Staff position with my progressive culinary skills and abilities to provide assistance in developing menu and recipe. Committed to the duty with high interest and cooking ideas to create outstanding outcomes to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Commis Bakery

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my kitchen experience and cooking inspiration to the Commis Chef position in the bakery line. Aiming to apply my bakery cooking skills to create excellent outcomes to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Commis Chef

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my kitchen experience to the Commis Chef position with skills and abilities to manage safe and hygienic food preparation. Ability to work with teammate and communicate effectively to create great results to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Relationship Manager (ธนาคาร)

  • Seeking the Banking Relationship Manager position to apply my extensive knowledge and  understanding in Economics disciplines to achieve the organisational goals. Committed to provide quality customer service with high responsibility. Results oriented, problem solving with ability to work under pressure.
  • To contribute my extensive knowledge and thorough understanding in Economics disciplines to the Banking Relationship Manager position with high responsibility and quality customer service to achieve the organisational goals. Results oriented, problem solving with ability to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้าน General Purchasing

  • A result-driven recent graduate. Seeking to contribute my extensive knowledge and experience to the ______ position to achieve ultimate goals of the company. Self confident, outstanding performance working under pressure.
  • To obtain the ______ position with my extensive knowledge and experience to achieve ultimate goals of the company. Demonstrated high responsibility, self confident and excellent team player. Outstanding performance working under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Lab Analyst

  • To obtain the Laboratory Analyst position with my comprehensive knowledge and technical abilities in Industrial Chemistry to enhance the performance and sustainability of the organization.
  • Detail oriented recent graduate. Seeking the Laboratory Analyst position to contribute my comprehensive knowledge and abilities in specific and practical techniques in Industrial Chemistry to enhance the performance and sustainability of the organization.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Laboratory Officer

  • To contribute my laboratory skills and equipment knowledge to the Laboratory Officer position. Committed to duties and able to apply my previous practical experience to create excellent outcomes to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้านการผลิต

  • To contribute my intensive experience in the production line to the ______ position with my  knowledge and strong technical skills. Multi-tasking ability with high responsibility and commitment. Able to work under pressure with priority setting to achieve the goals toward the sustainability of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งเจ้าหน้าที่บริหารความเสี่ยง/Risk Management Officer

  • To obtain the Risk Management Officer position with my outstanding financial acumen and business understanding on analytical thinking system capabilities. Ability to work under pressure with high commitment while widening my vision to enhance the organization toward the great accomplishment.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งด้าน Warehouse/Logistics/Import/Export

  • Enthusiastic fresh graduate. Seeking an opportunity to contribute my broad knowledge and abilities to the ______ position in the logistics industry with high responsibility and "Can do" attitude to the sustainable growth of the company.
  • To obtain the ______ position with my (2 years) extensive import-export experience and logistic up-to-date knowledge to the dynamic growth of the company. Ability to perform multiple tasks with problem solving skills within the time frame. Able to work under pressure.
  • Well-organized fresh graduate. Seeking an opportunity to contribute an educational background and document management ability to the ______ position. Detail-oriented and able to prioritize and complete tasks within the time frame.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Coordinator

  • Well-organized recent graduate. Seeking the Coordinator position to contribute my excellent verbal and written English communication and experience in various coordinating tasks to the company. Outstanding critical thinking abilities with attention to detail.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Sales /ตัวแทนด้านอสังหาริมทรัพย์

  • To obtain the Real Estate Agent position in which my broad knowledge and familiarity in the local region can transfer to the great achievement and sustainability of the company. Excellent communication skills. Fast learner with passion and able to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งตำแหน่งวิศวะการผลิตและผู้ดูแลการผลิต

  • To obtain the ______ position with my progressive technical management. Committed to the maintenance and development in the production lines of the company. Strategic problem solver with ability to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งวิศวกรซ่อมบำรุง

  • To contribute my maintenance engineering expertise to the Maintenance Engineer position with an in depth knowledge of industrial machinery and equipment to the sustainable growth of the company. Detail oriented and able to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้าน Logistic

  • To obtain the ______ position with the comprehensive understanding and development knowledge in logistics industry. Aiming to contribute and apply my progressive capabilities with high responsibility to the company.
  • Fast-learner with high responsibility. Seeking to leverage my progressive capabilities and to apply my comprehensive understanding and development knowledge in logistics industry to the company.
  • Seeking a position in the Logistics field which I can contribute my in-depth knowledge and analytical skills to improve the company’s profitability.
  • Seeking a position in the Logistics field which my in-depth knowledge and analytical skills can be utilized to improve the company’s profitability.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งนศ.ฝึกงานด้าน Logistic

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my educational knowledge and extensive capabilities to an Intern position in the logistics field. Hardworking and committed to the duties with high responsibility. Willingness to learn new skills.
  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my extensive knowledge and abilities to an Intern position in the field of Logistics Management. Fast learner and willing to learn new skills. Committed to the hard work with high responsibility.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งฝึกงานด้านการค้าระหว่างประเทศและการจัดการ Logistic

  • Seeking an opportunity to apply my International Trading and Logistics knowledge to an Intern position with extensive abilities and high responsibility to enhance the organization towards the great achievement.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Planning Officer ด้าน Logistic

  • Detail oriented recent graduate. Seeking an opportunity to contribute my in depth knowledge and abilities in Logistics to the Planning Officer position to enhance the company to the great achievement.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Sales Coordinator ด้าน Logistic

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my extensive abilities and knowledge with Business English Communication skills to the Sales Coordinator position to enhance the company to the great achievement in the logistics industry.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้าน Hospitality

  • A multitasking recent graduate with excellent communication abilities. Seeking to contribute my customer service skills and commitment to ensure customer satisfaction with a can-do attitude to the company.
  • To contribute my excellent customer service and communication abilities to the ______ position. Committed to ensure customer satisfaction with a can-do attitude and client management to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง CRM MARKETING EXECUTIVE

  • Marketing professional with intensive experience in direct and digital marketing with diplomatic customer acquisition strategies background. Aiming to contribute my proven creativity with excellent English proficiency and computer skills to the CRM Marketing Executive position. Results-driven team player with can-do attitude who can integrate to the talented teams at your company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้าน Marketing and Planning

  • Recent graduate with creativity. Seeking to apply my marketing planning competency to the ______ position with my professional experience in marketing strategies and web technologies to the company.
  • To contribute my marketing competency to the ______ position in the areas of marketing with my professional experience in marketing planning, marketing analysis and management to the dynamic development of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Account Executive (AE) 

  • To contribute my effective communication with coordination skills to the Account Executive position with customer care and problem solving abilities. Committed to provide excellent outcomes to the company. Always keep updating new trends to go beyond.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานเจ้าหน้าที่สื่อสารการตลาด

  • To contribute my effective communication and coordination competencies to the ______ position to generate rapid growth to the company. Ability to work systematically with multitasking skills and attention to detail. Able to work well under pressure

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานเจ้าหน้าที่ส่งเสริมการขาย

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my interpersonal communication and sales skills with service mind to the ______ position towards the continued growth of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Sales Representative

  • To obtain a Sales Representative position with product knowledge, persuasive skills and customer service attitude to effectively enhance the profitability of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Sales Administrative Staff

  • To obtain a Sales Administrative Staff with extensive experience and diplomatic sales skills to create excellent administrative outcomes to enhance the profitability of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานด้าน Shipping/Import/Export/Overseas Coordinator

  • A self accountable recent graduate. Seeking an opportunity to apply my transportation principles knowledge and operations management with outstanding coordinating skills to the ______ position to enhance the company beyond the expansive shipping network.
  • To contribute my knowledge in transportation principles and operations management to the _______ position which will allow me to demonstrate my outstanding coordinating skills to enhance the company beyond the expansive shipping network.
  • To obtain a position in the Import/Export industry with my progressive knowledge and competencies to enhance the company towards an achievement. Fast learner and high responsibility. Able to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานนักวิชาการภาษาไทย

  • A recent graduate with professional teaching experience. Seeking an Academic Officer position which my (Thai) language intellectual capacity and thorough knowledge of curriculum can contribute to the company.
  • To contribute my professional teaching experience and language intellectual capacity to an Academic Officer position with thorough knowledge of curriculum to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานเจ้าหน้าที่อบรม Trainer/Training Officer

  • To implement my progressive teaching experience to the Trainer position with effective communication and coordinating skills to develop the long-term growth of the company.
  • Seeking to transfer my progressive teaching experience to the Training Officer position with the commitment to contribute my effective communication and coordinating skills to develop the long-term growth of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Quality Control

  • Seeking to apply my technical quality skills and experience to the Quality Control position. Aiming to contribute my systematical and logical work to the sustainability of the company.
  • To contribute my technical quality skills and experience to the Quality Control position in which my systematical and logical work can apply to the sustainability of the company.
  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my progressive experience and knowledge to the ______ position with high commitment to benefit the organization. Ability to solve problems with analytical thinking skill.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Quality Assurance (QA)

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my extensive knowledge and strong attention to detail with an accuracy to the Quality Assurance position with high commitment and progressive performance to create exceptional works to the company.
  • Seeking to apply my technical skills and experience to the Quality Assurance in the Food Science and Technology industry. Aiming to contribute my logical and systematic work to enhance the sustainability of the company.
  • Well-organized recent graduate. Seeking an opportunity to contribute and apply extensive knowledge and internship experience to the ______ position. Strong attention to detail and accuracy. Committed to duties with high responsibility to create quality outcomes to the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Refinery Operator

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my educational background and extensive capabilities to a Refinery Operator position with problem solving skill to enhance the company towards the sustainable growth. Able to work well under pressure with attention to detail.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ งานแปล Translator/Interpreter

  • To obtain a Translator position which my excellent comprehension skills and Japanese cultural knowledge can be utilized through my translation to effectively enhance the company to the great achievement.
  • A literate recent graduate. Seeking a Translator position which my excellent comprehension skills and Korean cultural knowledge can be utilized through my translation to effectively enhance the company to the great achievement.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ งานล่าม Interpreter/Translator

  • To obtain an Interpreter position which my excellent Japanese communication abilities and customer-focused attitude can enhance the company to the great achievement.
  • An excellent communicator. Seeking an Interpreter position which my extensive communication abilities and customer-focused attitude can enhance the company to the great achievement.
  • Effective communicator. Seeking the ______ position which my extensive Chinese language  and customer service skills can transfer to the dynamic growth of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งเจ้าหน้าที่บริหารบัญชีลูกค้า

  • A fresh graduate with superior interpersonal communication. Seeking the Account Executive position to contribute my competent analytical skills and strategic thinking abilities to the extensive growth of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งเจ้าหน้าที่พัฒนาธุรกิจ 

Business Development Officer

  • To obtain the Business Development Officer position which my competent analytical skills and strategic thinking abilities together with superior interpersonal communication can contribute to the extensive growth of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งนศ.ฝึกงาน ด้าน Online Marketing

  • Seeking an Internship Role in the online marketing industry to apply my extensive experience and distinctively creative mind to the company. Willing to learn new things with an open mind.
  • To implement my extensive experience and distinctive creativity to an Intern position in the online marketing field to the company. Willing to learn new things with an open mind.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน Online Marketer

  • To obtain an Online Marketer position with my marketing knowledge and social media competencies to enhance the company towards the great achievement. Excellent communication skills on social media platforms. Able to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Marketing

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my marketing competencies and knowledge to the Marketing Officer position to accomplish tasks with high responsibility and commitment at the Music Festival.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Purchasing Officer and Planning

  • To contribute my superior experience to the Purchasing Planning Officer position with management skills and analytical abilities toward the business growth of the company.
  • A recent graduate with superior experience. Seeking the Purchasing Planning Officer position to contribute my management skills and analytical abilities toward the business growth of the organization.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Production Planning Officer

  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my extensive competencies to the Production Planning Officer with progressive experience in the manufacturing unit. Ability to organize workflow to create excellent outcomes to the company
  • To obtain the ______ position with my management competencies and analytical skills to enhance the future growth of the company. Ability to coordinate and solve unexpected problems effectively. Able to work under pressure.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงาน HR Officer

  • To apply my progressive professional experience to the HR officer position with abilities in all aspects of human resource management and excellent interpersonal skills to integrate with the organization toward the future growth.
  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my progressive professional experience and excellent interpersonal skills to the HR officer position with abilities in all aspects of human resource management to integrate with the organization toward the future growth.
  • To contribute my knowledge and extensive experience to the HR Officer position to enhance the company to the greater sustainability and achievement. Excellent interpersonal communication abilities and able to work under pressure with time management skills
  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my extensive capabilities and strong interpersonal communication skills to a position in the Human Resource Department to create excellent outcomes towards the organization's achievement.
  • Seeking an opportunity to contribute my capabilities and English knowledge background to the HR Officer position with high responsibility and discipline to create exceptional outcomes to the company.
  • Highly responsible fresh graduate. Seeking an opportunity to contribute my broad knowledge with interpersonal skills to the HR Officer position. Effective communicator and able to adapt rapidly to colleagues and workplace.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งนศ.ฝึกงาน ด้าน Human Resource

  • To implement my deep knowledge in academic curriculum into the Intern position in the Human Resource Department. Aiming to contribute my expertise to the organization.
  • Seeking the Intern position in the Human Resource Department to implement my deep knowledge in academic curriculum and area of expertise to the company with my contribution and strong commitment.
  • To demonstrate my comprehensive knowledge and outstanding interpersonal skills to the Intern position at HR department. Excellent problem solving abilities and a good team player with positive attitude and creativity.
  • To contribute my educational background and strong interpersonal communication to an Intern position in the Human Resource Department to create excellent results to the organization.
  • To obtain an Intern position in HR department with my broad knowledge and positive attitude to manage tasks efficiently towards the goal of the organization. High sense of responsibility and willing to learn new things.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Environmental Engineering

  • Highly responsible fresh graduate. Seeking the Environmental Engineer position to contribute my experience and educational background to the long-term sustainability of the company.
  • To obtain the Environmental Engineer position which I can contribute my experience and educational background to the company. Enthusiastic with high responsibility. Possess__ชื่อปริญญา__.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Digital Marketing Strategic Planner

  • To obtain the challenging Digital Marketing Strategic Planner position which my distinctive strategic planning abilities can transform to the innovative growth of the company.
  • A recent graduate with creativity and strategic planning abilities. Seeking the Digital Marketing Strategic Planner position to transform my extensive digital marketing knowledge to the innovative growth of the company.

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่ง Content Marketing/Digital Platform

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งผู้จัดการด้านคุณภาพ/Quality Manager

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งInstallation & Maintenance เครือข่ายระบบ

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานธุรการ/Administrative Officer

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งงานบริการลูกค้า/Customer Service

ตัวอย่าง Job Objective จุดมุ่งหมายในอาชีพ ตำแหน่งเจ้าหน้าที่เร่งรัดหนี้สิน/Credit Collection Officer




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